Gender pronouns are words used to refer to people that reflect their gender identity. Common pronouns include he/him, she/her, and they/them, among others. Using the correct gender pronouns is crucial for respecting individuals’ identities and promoting inclusivity. In healthcare, recognising and using a patient’s chosen pronouns fosters a supportive and affirming environment, which can improve patient-provider communication and overall care experiences. Healthcare professionals are increasingly trained to ask and use correct pronouns, ensuring that all individuals feel seen, respected, and valued in their interactions with the healthcare system.


Ellie is WriteUpp’s in-house Content Creator. Her research and writing for private practitioners focuses on marketing, business growth, data security, and more. She also hosts WriteUpp’s podcast The Healthy Practice; the show that guides practitioners in the early stages of their careers through every aspect of practice management. Outside of work Ellie writes a mental health blog, studies mindfulness and is a keen nature photographer.