
Get Paid Faster with Payment Processing

Simplify and streamline your payment processing. Take online or in-person cashless payments via card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Fully integrated with WriteUpp, easy to set up and simple to use.

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8 Reasons why you should take online payments

8 Reasons why you should take online payments

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Set Up Payment Processing in Your Practice
Oliver Firth portrait

Oliver Firth

Oliver Firth, Hyperdive

“Having an online booking system which accepts payments 24/7 and integrates with my website is a crucial part of my business. I am notified about every successful booking and payment by email, which keeps me in constant touch with how the business performs. Invoices are automatically generated and passed to my accounting software for reconciliation, making end-of-year tax calculations much easier.
I also use a terminal for taking the odd payment in person. This works seamlessly, with an invoice created in WriteUpp being transferred to the terminal and reconciled automatically when paid.
A very useful and well-implemented package that takes most of the stress out of the financials."

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Get Paid Faster with Payment Processing

Get Paid Faster. Integrate your WriteUpp account with online payments and receive your money quickly. Speedy payments are a game-changer for any practice, ensuring your revenue flows seamlessly.

Reduce No-Shows. Taking payments when booking significantly reduces no-shows. Clients are less likely to miss appointments they've already paid for, improving your scheduling efficiency.

In-Clinic Payments Made Easy. Accept payments directly in your clinic with the convenience of Apple and Tap payments. Clients can settle their bills instantly, eliminating the need for invoicing delays.

Extra Peace of Mind. WriteUpp provides secure and reliable payment processing, adhering to stringent security standards to ensure a safe transaction environment. Rest easy knowing your transactions are protected.


Save Time on Invoicing. Automated payment updates keep your invoice status current, saving you valuable admin time. Thus, you can focus more on patient care and less on paperwork.

Automatic Payment Notifications. Whether you take online pre-payments or send out a paylink post-treatment, you'll be notified automatically when you've been paid, and everything will be reconciled automatically in WriteUpp.

Flexible Payment Options. Offer part payments for follow-up appointments to reduce no-shows. This flexibility enhances client satisfaction and ensures better appointment adherence.

Convenient Online Payments for Clients. Make it easy for your clients to pay online with a simple “Pay Invoice” button. They can settle their bills without the hassle of phone calls, improving their experience and your cash flow.

Set Up Payment Processing in Your Practice

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